Commons:Akara Ikike

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Signatures and the translation is 58% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Signatures and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Shortcut: COM:SIGN

Bie aka na bọtịnụ "akara ikike" nke Ị g'ahụ na Template:Wp-Help: iji tinye akara ikike gị na ngwụcha ihe mbipụta gị

Ibinye akara ikike gi na mbipụta gị niile na Template:Pf bụ nke a ga-emerịrị, nke na-akwalitekwa mkparịtaụka site n'inye aka gosipụta onye dere mkparịtaụka ọbụla n'otu n'otu. Ndi ojieme ndị ọzọ nweziri ike ịga na ibe peeji mkparịtaụka ma kwuo okwu ha chọrọ ikwu nye ndị ọ gbasara kpọmkwem. Mkparịtaụka bụ akụkụ dị mkpa nke ukwuu nke ndezi ejikọrọ aka ọnụ mee, n'ihi na ọ na-enyere ndị ojieme niile aka ịghọta agamniru nakwa mgbanwe niile dị n'ọrụ.

Ibinye akara ikike nakwa itinye deeti na mbiputa gị ọbụla, pịa akara ngosi tilde (~) ụzọ anọ maọbu pịa aka na bọtịnụ akara ikike dị na Template:Wp-Help:Edit Toolbar gị dị na ngwụcha ihe mbipụta gị. Mgbe ebipụtachara ibe peeji ahụ, a ga-ejizi aha njirimara gị (nke ga-enwe akara njikọ gara na ibe peeji nkọwa onwe gị, ibe peeji mkparịtaụka gị niile nakwa akara ngosi oge) dochie anya akara anọ ahụ Ị pịrị, nke ga-adizi n'ụdị a:

Example (talk) 06:08, 1 February 2024 (UTC)

Iwu ndị gbasara Akara Ikike Ọdị-n'ụdị-onye-Chọrọ

Wikimidia Commons na-enye ndị mmadụ ohere ime ka akara ikike ha na-etinye dị n'ụdị ọbụla ha siri chọọ ya kpọmkwem na ibe peeji nhọrọ ha mana enwere iwu dị olé na ole, nke dị a ga-agbaso, ka ewere ghara inwe ihe mgbagwoju anya. - Akara ikike ga-egosipụtarịrị n'ụzọ doro anya ọfụma onye dere mkparịtaụka ọbụla, nwekwaa njikọ gara na ibe peeji nkọwa onwe, ibe peeji mkparịtaụka onye nakwa ibe peeji ihe ntinye niile nke onye ahụ. - Ọzọ, akara ikike ọdị-n'ụdị-onye-chọrọ ahụ ga-adịrịrị n'ụdị n'agaghi eme ka ịgụpụta ihe ọbụla edere na ibe peeji Commons niile raa ahụ. - Ọbụrụ na etinyere aha njirimara, a ga-agba mbọ hụ na a ga-ejinwu ya chọta onye nwe ya bụ aha n'enweghi aramahụ. - Agaghị anabata itinye akara ikike n'abụghị nke ezie maọbu ịma ụma zochie ọdịdị mmadụ.

Nchịkọta Ọnụ nke Ndebiri ha

Nchịkọta Ọnụ nke ndebiri na ọrụ nnabata na akara ikike ha (dika ndị n'egosipụta ka $ihe nlereanya, n'ọmụmaatụ) ka ajụrụ ajụ. Enwere ọtụtụ ihe kpatara nke a:

  • Ndebiri akara ikike bụ nke ebu n'uche imebi, ma ugbua ma ruokwa ebighị ebi, ọbụrụgodi rị ma ojieme ọ hapụrụ ọrụ ahụ
  • Ụfọdụ ederede akpaaka (bots) ka a na-eji etinye ibe peeji mkparịtaụka dị iche iche ndị nọ ọrụ, n'ọnọdụ ndị na-anọghị ọrụ, n'akpaghị ha aka. Bot ndị a na-agụ ebe peeji mkparịtaụka ndị a si, ma ọ naghị achịkọta ndebiri ọnụ, nke mere na ha anaghị ahụta ndebiri ndị a dịka akara ikike.
  • Ndebiri akara ikike ndị a bụ ụzọ mmefu dị ntakịrị na-abaghị uru nye

Akara ikike dị n'ụdị mpempe ederede dị mfe, bụ nke a na-echekwakọta ya na ọdịnaya ibe, nke na-ejighi akụrụngwa karịa okwu ndị n'onwe ha zeere nsogbu ndị a.

Ihe Nkiri na-adị n'Akara Ikike gasị

Ihe nkiri foto n'ụdị ọbụla bụ nke a na-ekwesịghị itinye n'akara ikike n'ihi mkpatara ndị a:

  • Ha na akpata mfù na-abaghị uru n'akụrụngwa gasị nke ihe nkesa Sava, nke nwere ike ime ka ihe nkesa dị nwayọọ n'ọrụ ya
  • enwere ike iji Ihe nkiri foto ọhụrụ dochie nke Ị họọrọ, nke ga-eme akara ikike ka ọ bụrụ nke a na-etinyere anya maka mmebi pụrụ ịdị, na Ngọnarị-nke-mbuso-agha nke saviisi
  • ha na-eme ibe peeji gasị ka hà na-ara ahụ ngụpụta nakwa iji ígwè kọmputa segharịa ya
  • ha na-eme ka o sikwuo ike karịa isi na ótù peeji were ihe ederede okwu-na-okwu gafee n'ọzọ.
  • they are potentially distracting from the actual message
  • images do not scale with the text, making lines with images higher than those without
  • they clutter up the "file links" list on the image page every time you sign on a different talk page
  • images in signatures give undue prominence to a given user's contribution

One possible alternative is to use Unicode characters instead.

Signatures supporting multilingualism

It is recommended that active Commons users with usernames that do not use the Latin alphabet (for example, Arabic, Chinese, or Hebrew usernames) add a Latin transliteration, translation, or nickname to their signatures (via Preferences → section “Signature” → options Signature: and Treat signature as wikitext (without an automatic link to your user page)). This makes it easier for users not familiar with those scripts to recognise and interact with such users. Similarly, users with Latin alphabet usernames who regularly interact with users of another script (such as Japanese), are encouraged to add a version of their username in that script.

Example 1: ریلکه talk (Example)
Example 2: Example talk (ریلکه/里尔克/リルケ)

Usernames in right-to-left scripts

In signatures of users with usernames in Arabic, Hebrew or other right-to-left scripts, the presence of text in both directionalities causes problems in some browsers. An example of such a signature is

End of comment مثال (talk) 0:00, 1 January 2014 (UTC)

which for some may display like "1 ,0:00 (talk) مثال January 2014 (UTC)" (see Bi-directional text: Unicode support).

This can be resolved by adding a left-to-right mark or LRM (‎) after the link to the user's page:

[[User:مثال|مثال]]&lrm; ([[User talk:مثال|<span class="signature-talk">talk</span>]]) 0:00, 1 January 2014 (UTC)
مثال‎ (talk) 0:00, 1 January 2014 (UTC)

In the "Signature" section of your preferences, you can change your signature to include a left-right mark. If your comment itself is in a right-to-left script, it may be necessary to precede your signature with another LRM (otherwise part of the signature will be displayed before the comment).